class: center, middle, transition, intro # Typeclasses for the Masses .caption[Daniel Beskin] ??? - In this talk we are going to discuss typeclasses --- class: center, middle, transition > All problems in programming can be solved by another typeclass
...except for the problem of too many typeclasses. .footnote[― Old programming wisdom, slightly paraphrased] ??? - Typeclasses are a functional "design pattern" and a way to create abstractions - It allows us to write extensible code at the right level of abstraction - This pattern is very common in the Scala ecosystem - Learning it will make various libraries easier to use --- class: center, middle, transition Looking for Motivation .suicide[![](suicide.png)] ??? - First, a bit of motivation to get ourselves started - The running example will be a generic sorting function --- ## Java-style, take #1 - Inheritance ``` trait Orderable[A] { def compare(that: A): Int } {{content}} ``` ??? - Here's a naive Java style attempt - We define an `Orderable` trait for things that can be sorted by our function -- def sort[A <: Orderable](xs: List[A]): List[A] {{content}} ??? - Given a list of `Orderable`s, we can use their `compare` method to sort them - For example: -- case class Clippy(annoyanceLevel: Int) extends Orderable[Clippy] { def compare(that: Clippy) = ??? } ??? - The problem with that approach is that it's not extensible - If a type is not in our control, we can't make it `Orderable` after the fact --- ## Java-style, take #2 - Adapter ``` trait Ordering[A] { def compare(x: A, y: A): Int } {{content}} ``` ??? - Taking out our design patterns book, the Adapter design pattern fits the bill - It allows us to adapt existing classes to our new abstraction - We now define `Ordering` as a standalone entity -- def sort[A](xs: List[A], ord: Ordering[A]): List[A] {{content}} ??? - Sorting now takes an adapter parameter - And so we can now adapt any existing class to our `Ordering` abstraction -- case class Clippy(annoyanceLevel: String) val clippyOrdering = new Ordering[Clippy] { def compare(x: Clippy, y: Clippy) = ??? } sort(List(c1, c2, c3), clippyOrdering) ??? - We now have an extensible ordering, but the usage is a bit clumsy, we have to pass these `Ordering`s around - Given that we use Scala, we can sprinkle some implicit magic to make it a bit nicer to use --- ## Java-semi-Scala-style ``` def sort[A](xs: List[A])(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): List[A] ``` -- ``` implicit val clippyOrdering = new Ordering[Clippy] { def compare(x: Clippy, y: Clippy) = ??? } sort(List(c1, c2, c3)) ``` .java[![](java.png)] ??? - Now we don't have to pass `Ordering`s around - Once we make them implicit, the compiler will take care of passing them around for us - And that's about 90% of typeclasses - The typeclasses formalizes this pattern, and gives a bit more of a punch --- class: center, middle, transition Typeclasses - Definition .tooling[![](tooling.png)] ??? - Now we are ready to actually define typeclasses --- ## Typeclasses - Definition A class: ``` trait Ordering[A] { def compare(x: A, y: A): Int } ``` ??? - A typeclasses consists of a "class definition" - Typically a trait, parameterized by a type variable, `A` - With methods operating on `A` - The terminonlogy comes from Haskell, where typeclasses are an actual specially supported language feature - The word "class" here has nothing to do with OO-style classes -- An instance: ``` implicit val clippyOrdering = new Ordering[Clippy] { def compare(x: Clippy, y: Clippy) = ??? } ``` ??? - For a given class definition we can have many "instances" - An instance is defined for a specific choice of the type parameter `A` - An instance is provided as an implicit value or definition - This is called "the Ordering instance for `Clippy`" - What we are doing is declaring the fact that the type can be ordered, and tell the compiler how - In other words: the `Clippy` type belongs to a class of types that have an `Ordering` - Hence the name of the pattern: "typeclasses" --- ## Typeclasses at the Use-site Generic functions: ``` def sort[A](xs: List[A])(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): List[A] {{content}} ``` ??? - We use typeclasses to define functions that are generic over the typeclass instance - This can be rewritten as follows -- def sort[A: Ordering](xs: List[A]): List[A] ??? - This is equivalent to the above line but better conveys our intent - Which is: given that `A` has an instance of `Ordering`, that is it belong to the `Ordering` class, then we can define a sort for it - The syntax is called a "context bound", meaning that we operate on `A`, given some context can be implicitly provided for `A` -- Operator syntax: ``` implicit class OrderingOps[A: Ordering](a: A) { def <=(other: A) = ??? } Clippy(2) <= Clippy(5) ``` ??? - Since typeclasses are defined outside the objects that actually use them - It's often use the pimp my type pattern to define operator syntax for instances of some classes - This reads as follows: given that `A` has an instance of `Ordering`, we can use the following methods/operators on it - Where inside the definitions will make some use of of the implicit typeclass instance that we have in scope --- ## Benefits -- - Abstraction ??? - Code that we write against a typeclass instance can be very generic - Since it works directly with an abstraction, it is precise, we don't have access to any information outside the abstraction - This can lead to much code reuse, since a single definition can be applicable in many contexts -- - Extensibility ??? - Unlike the inheritance based OO solution, typeclasses are extensible - A type can be included in a class even after the type was defined - This means that we can adapt old code to new use cases without modifying the code itself -- - Type-driven ??? - The two previous items were also applicable to the `Adapter` pattern - What we gain in make use of implicits, is the fact that the compiler can do some work for us - We can think of implicits as a way to tell the compiler some information - By creating an implicit `Ordering` for `Clippy`, we are telling the compiler that `Clippy` can be ordered - The compiler can use this information to derive new facts from it, like how to make an `Ordering` for `List[Clippy]` - For example -- implicit def listOrd[A: Ordering]: Ordering[List[A]] --- ## Un-benefits - Indirection ??? - Writing typeclasses-heavy code can lead to significant amount of indirection - Which in some cases may not be appropriate and result in harder to code to read/maintain - This may, also, sometimes have performance consequences (though we'll see how to address it later on) -- - No direct language support .spell[![](spell.png)] ??? - Typeclasses, as a whole, are not a language feature, correspondingly, there isn't direct language support for it - For example: there isn't special Scaladoc format for it, and the compilation errors may not be as informative as possible -- - Implicit madness ??? - Last, since typeclasses make use of implicits, in some cases non-trivial logic can be encoded in the implicit resolution process - Which can result in hard to decipher code and compilation errors. --- class: center, middle, transition Extended Example: Configuration Readers .quip[![](quip.png)] ??? - Let's put typeclasses to use - We will now try to write a small wrapper around Typesafe config to make it a bit more useable --- ## ~~Typesafe~~ Lightbend Config ``` config.getString("") config.getInt("clippy.annoyanceLevel") config.getStringList("") {{content}} ``` ??? - Typesafe config is rather annoying, to get something out of it, we need to call a special method that matches the type - The number of types is limited - only the one's defined by the library authors - And the types themselves are not always nice to work with, like the Java collections that they return -- get[String](config, "") get[Int](config, "clippy.annoyanceLevel") get[List[String]](config, "") {{content}} ??? - This is the function that we want to have - We give it the type of thing that we want to fetch, and it fetches - Note how this is a single function for all types - But we want more, we want to be able to extend it with our own types - For example -- get[Clippy](config, "clippy") ??? - So what we want, is a "smart" function, that is open for extension by third parties - This is perfect use case for typeclasses --- ## The Typeclass ``` trait ValueReader[A] { def read(config: Config, key: String): A } {{content}} ``` ??? - This is the typeclass that we'll use - Given some type `A`, it will give us the ability to read it from a config - For example, here's the `Int` instance -- implicit val intValueReader = new ValueReader[Int] { def read(config: Config, key: String): Int = config.getInt(key) } {{content}} ??? - This is just a wrapper around the original functionality - We are adapting it to our new typeclass interface - Similarly, we can define instances for all the built-in config getters -- implicit val stringValueReader = new ValueReader[String] { def read(config: Config, key: String) = config.getString(key) } implicit val stringListValueReader = new ValueReader[List[String]] { def read(config: Config, key: Sting) = config.getStringList(key).asScala } ??? - And similarly for other primitive types - Note that here we already adapt the list to be a Scala `List`, so we already gained some adapting benefit - Let's see how we define our getter function --- ## The Getter Function ``` def get[A: ValueReader](config: Config, key: String): A = implicitly[ValueReader[A]].read(config, key) {{content}} ``` ??? - This can be read as follows: given a `ValueReader` for `A`, a config and a key, fetch an `A` - The implementation is straightforward - First summon the implicit `ValueReader` for `A`, which must be present since we have a context bound in place - Then read the value from the config using the reader - Alternatively, we can drop the context bound and write the function with an implicit - Like so -- def get[A](config: Config, key: String) (implicit reader: ValueReader[A]): A =, key) ??? - So what have we gained from writing it this way? - This solution is extensible, anyone can write a `ValueReader` for any type they want - Like so --- ## More Readers ``` implicit val clippyReader = new ValueReader[Clippy] { def read(config: Config, key: String): Clippy = Clippy(name = get(config, s"$"), annoyanceLevel = get(config, s"$key.annoyanceLevel"), tips = get(config, s"$")) } get[Clippy](config, "clippy") {{content}} ``` ??? - Notice that we don't need to specify the type on `get`, since the type here can be inferred from the context - But we can do even fancier things, we can let the compiler do the hard work for us --- ## More Readers ``` implicit def optionValueReader[A: ValueReader] = new ValueReader[Option[A]] { def read(config: Config, key: String): Option[A] = if (config.hasPath(key)) Some(get[A](config, key)) else None } {{content}} ``` ??? - As I mentioned previously, implicits are a way to communicate with the compiler - And the compiler can derive new things for us - Here's an example - This can be read as: given that we know how to read a value of some type `A` - Then we can automatically derive how to read a value of `Option[A]` - And it can be used as follows -- get[Option[Int]](config, "clippy.annoyanceLevel") ??? - Note that we don't have to do any special construction for the `ValueReader` for `Option` - When the compiler sees the type `Option[Int]`, it automatically finds our `opitonValueReader` and `intReader` - And then uses them to construct the right instance for `Option[Int]`, with no new code from our side - We can do similar things for lists or maps - Even fancier, we can right a generic `ValueReader` that will allow the compiler to build a reader for any case class - Though for these kinds of things we'll need either macros or `Shapeless` --- ## Pimp My Config ``` implicit class ConfigOps(config: Config) { def get[A: ValueReader](key: String): A = get[A](config, key) } ``` ??? - It may feel a bit unnatural to use our `get` function, since it's not on `config` - To remedy this, we can use the "pimp my type pattern" to make it nicer to use -- ``` config.get[Clippy]("clippy") ``` .pimp[![](pimp.png)] ??? - And now we can use it like so - This concludes our example - You may be pleased to know that this functionality and much more is available in the Ficus library --- class: center, middle, transition Typeclasses in the Wild .exciting[![](exciting.png)] ??? - In this part, we will give a brief overview of the various typeclasses the exist in the Scala ecosystem - Since typeclasses are present in many libraries, knowing this pattern might help when trying to use them --- ## Standard Typeclasses ??? - We will start with some basic typecalsses - The reason I'm calling them standard is because they're inspired by typeclasses in Haskell's standard library -- ``` trait Equality[A] { def areEqual(a: A, b: A): Boolean } ``` ??? - This can be used to customize equality checks, beyond the standard `equals` method - For example, ScalaTest, has equality matchers that use this to override the standard equals - Since this is extensible, as library users, you can implement use it yourself by implementing special equality checks for your tests - E.g., for testing JSON strings, ignoring the formatting - Note that this function is safer than the regular `equals` since it uses `A` instead of `Any` as the parameters -- ``` trait Ordering[A] { ... } ``` ??? - The `Ordering` that we already explored is defined in Scala's standard library and is used there -- ``` trait Numeric[A] { def fromInt(x: Int): A def abs(x: A): A ... } ``` ??? - This typeclass let's us write generic numeric code without thinking about the specific implementation - It is present in Scala's standard library - But it's quite slow for performance intensive code - There's analogous code in the Spire library that should be very performant - One can define many other numeric types, like fractional, in places where the full power of `Numeric` is not needed --- ## Parsing and Serialization ``` trait Writes[A] { def writes(a: A): JsValue } trait Reads[A] { def reads(json: JsValue): A } ``` ??? - Parsing and serialization is one of the most common use cases for typeclasses - Since pretty much by definition it's an open world problem - For example, Play! uses typeclasses for reading and writing JSON values for arbitrary types - Just like in the `ValueReader` example, readers and writes can be automatically derived for complex types using definitions for basic types - Play! has a macro that does that for case classes --- ## Algebra ``` trait Monoid[A] { def id: A def op(x: A, y: A): A } trait NRoot[A] { def nroot(a: A, n: Int): A } trait InnerProductSpace[V, F] { def dot(v: V, w: V): F } ``` ??? - There's a whole bunch of typeclasses that can be defined to capture various concepts in abstract algebra - This is just a sample from the typeclasses available in Spire - Although quite abstract these abstractions find their way into real code - For example, the `Monoid` type captures the notion of things that can be aggregated in parallel - This makes it the perfect abstraction for Map/Reduce - And it's quite popular in the world of big-data, as such, it's actually defined in a number of different libraries - One of the benefits of working with these abstract types is code reuse -- ``` def accumulate[A: Monoid](xs: List[A]): A = xs.foldLeft(id)(_ |+| _) ``` ??? - For example, you can write generic code for some accumulation logic (like a fold) based on a `Monoid` - The `|+|` operator is an alias for `op` - This reads as: given a list of `A`s, where `A` has a `Monoid` instance - Fold the list, and use the `Monoid` operation to combine the values into a single value - And the very same code can work for any type that has an instance of `Monoid` - And there are many types that can be viewed as monoids: numbers, strings, maps, etc. --- ## Abstract Nonsense ??? - Last, but definitely not least, are the typeclasses that come from the world of category theory - Just like the algebraic typeclasses, these abstraction can be very useful in programming - We'll briefly review a couple of types, but they deserve a number of talks of their own -- ``` trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] } ``` ??? - `Functor` represents things that can be mapped over, like list, futures, etc. - We can think of `F[_]` as some kind of context in which we are mapping - So a list or a future is a kind of context in which we perform a computation -- ``` trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Functor[F] { def unit[A](a: A): F[A] def map2[A, B, C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => C): F[C] } ``` ??? - `Applicative` gives us a `map` on steroids - `map2` lets us combine values inside a context - This might be somewhat abstract, but the weird operators that we use with `Validation` are defined in terms of `Applicative` - In this case `Validation` is the context and `map2` let's us build complicated objects from validated parts - Let's look at an example of a useful function that can be written in terms of `Applicative` -- .monads1[![](monads_1.png)] --- ## Using Applicatives ``` def sequence[F[_]: Applicative, A](fs: List[F[A]]): F[List[A]] {{content}} ``` ??? - This function can be read as: given a list of things in an applicative context - Create a list of things and put the whole list inside the context - You may be familiar with something similar: the `sequence` function on `Future` in the standard library - This one is a generalization that works for anything that has an `Applicative` instance - Like `Option`s, `Validation`s and whatnot - We need to write it once in term of `Applicative` and we get all these use cases for free - Here's the implementation -- def sequence[F[_], A](fs: List[F[A]]) (implicit ap: Applicative[F]): F[List[A]] = fs match { case Nil => ap.unit(Nil) case fa :: rest => ap.map2(fa, sequence(rest))(_ :: _) } ??? - It's a bit tricky, but if you just follow the types, it kind of writes itself - Figuring out how it works is left as an exercise - And here's a usage example -- ``` sequence(List(Option(1), Option(2), Option(3)) // => Some(List(1, 2, 3)) sequence(List(Option(1), None, Option(3))) // => None ``` .monads2[![](monads_2.png)] ??? - This will work given that we actually defined an `Applicative` instance for `Option` - Similarly, we can apply `sequence` to `Future` or `Validation` - `Functor`, `Applicative` and many others are available in Scalaz and Cats - This concludes our overview of typeclasses in the ecosystem --- class: center, middle, transition Extras .captive[![](captive.png)] ??? - We are almost done - As a finishing touch, we'll touch upon a couple of advanced libraries that make the usage of typeclasses a bit more pleasant --- ## Simulacrum ``` import simulacrum._ @typeclass trait Monoid[A] { @op("|+|") def op(x: A, y: A): A } {{content}} ``` ??? - As you might have noticed, defining a new typeclass is a bit boilertlaty - We need to both define a trait for the typeclass and a class for the implicit operations - The Simulacrum library let's you cut down on the boilerplate by using a macro annotation -- implicit val clippyMonoid: Monoid[Clippy] = ??? Clippy(5) |+| Clippy(4) ??? - With this definition, we define a single trait and get both the typeclass definition and the implicit operators generated for us - And we can use it for anything that implements the typeclass - This is almost half way towards language support --- ## Machinist ``` import machinist.DefaultOps trait Equality[@specialized A] { def eqv(lhs: A, rhs: A): Boolean } object Equality { implicit val intEq = new Eq[Int] { def eqv(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Boolean = lhs == rhs } implicit class EqOps[A](x: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]) { def ===(rhs: A): Boolean = macro DefaultOps.binop[A, Boolean] } } {{content}} ``` ??? - Also of note about typeclasses, is that all of the indirection that is used between the actual operation and the typeclass definition may incur a performance cost - This is may be especially important in cases where typeclasses are used for numerics - The Machinist library provides a macro that can cut down this cost - As we see in this example, we are defining an equality typeclass - When we define an operator for it, `===` we use the Machinist macro instead of writing it ourselves -- object Test { import Eq.EqOps def test(a: Int, b: Int)(implicit ev: Eq[Int]): Int = if (a === b) 999 else 0 } // if (Eq.intEq.eqv$mcI$sp(a, b)) 999 else 0 ??? - At the use-site, the macros unwraps all the indirection levels and the final result compiles to an unboxed equality of two integers - This is what the Spire library uses behind the scenes to achieve fast generic code --- ## Shapeless's Typeclass Derivation ``` import spire.implicits._ import shapeless.contrib.spire._ case class Clippy(annoyanceLevel: Int, persistence: Int) ``` ??? - Some typeclasses can be derived mechanically given some case class or a sealed case class hierarchy - Examples include some of the standard typeclasses, monoids and Functors - Shapeless provides some machinery to generate the typeclass instances for us - And the library Shapless-contrib provides the machinery for some common typeclasses - In this example by just using some magic imports, we automatically able to derive an `AdditiveMonoid` for `Clippy` -- ``` Clippy(5, 3) + Clippy(3, 4) // => Clippy(8, 7) ``` ??? - So without ever defining the `+` operator for it, we get and it does the right thing --- class: center, middle, transition FIN -- .pop[![](pop.png)]