:17: error: type mismatch;
found : PostID
required: FeedID
fetchPost(AppID(123), FeedID(456), PostID(789))
- The compiler knows, and can prevent us from doing mistakes
- We've used types to communicate with the compiler, and now it communicates back to us
- In a useful and meaningful way
- In this case, even quite readable
## Typed Wrappers
- Search by type
- Refactoring ability
- Customization
- Smart constructors
- Custom serialization formats
- I find that using small wrappers like these all over the code to be very useful
- You can search for usages of some concept, like an application-ID, throughout the system just by searching for the relevant type
- It's compiler knowledge now, and it can process it for us and share it back
- It makes refactoring easier
- Suppose that the application-ID suddenly needs to change from `Int` to `Long`
- Or maybe you need to add some meta-data to it
- With plain `Int`s, good luck finding and replacing all of them across the system
- But with a wrapper, it becomes a matter of doing the modification and fixing the resulting compilation errors
- The compiler is there to assist you
- The last point being about customization of the type
- Unlike raw `Int`s, we can do special things with a wrapper
- Like smart-constructors that can validate some requirements, for example that the ID is never negative
- Or maybe have special serialization formats for different types, if for example some numbers need to be hashed or something
- The compiler will make sure that we use the custom methods when they are applicable
- We get all of these benefits for free once we provide the relevant information to the compiler
## Programming is Hard
- I want to make a brief interlude just to point out how hard programming is
- I mean, suppose you've got your dream-job doing Scala or something
- And you imagine that from now on you'll never set foot in any other scary language out there
- Right?
- Wrong
- Since in a typical web-app it's not uncommon to do some templating for web pages
- Like in the example here
- Not only that we're dealing here with three different languages:
- HTML, Javascript and URL syntax
- But we're also interpolating code into them
- And in every interpolation we have the risk of code injection
- That's all very scary, and there's no one to help us
- But since we're into communicating with the compiler
- And we just learned about typed-wrappers
- Let's use those to get the compiler to help us deal with this mess
## Language Wrappers
case class HTMLCode(value: String)
case class JSCode(value: String)
case class URLCode(value: String)
- Now we have a wrapper per language, so we can't put the wrong `String` in the wrong place
- That's nice, but as I said, we're dealing with the risk of code injection
- And since we'll typically also have user-input, we need to prepare for that as well
- So let's make our wrappers more precise
## Language Wrappers
case class TaintedHTMLCode(value: String)
case class TaintedJSCode(value: String)
case class TaintedURLCode(value: String)
- For each language type, we are marking some `String`s as tainted
- Meaning that we've read them from user input, but didn't sanitize them yet
- So it's not safe to interpolate them anywhere
- After sanitization, we have safe `String`s like so
case class SafeHTMLCode(value: String)
case class SafeJSCode(value: String)
case class SafeURLCode(value: String)
- Now we support safe and tainted `String`s for all languages
- But what if we get more requirements
- Like that we sometimes need to anonymize some of our outputs
- For example, if we have some sensitive user data that we don't want to accidentally print
- We can make more wrappers
## Language Wrappers
case class SensitiveTaintedHTMLCode(value: String)
case class SensitiveTaintedJSCode(value: String)
case class SensitiveTaintedURLCode(value: String)
case class SensitiveSafeHTMLCode(value: String)
case class SensitiveSafeJSCode(value: String)
case class SensitiveSafeURLCode(value: String)
- These are `String` in all languages, both tainted or safe that should be treated as sensitive
- And we also need the same thing after we anonymized them
case class AnonymizedTaintedHTMLCode(value: String)
case class AnonymizedTaintedJSCode(value: String)
case class AnonymizedTaintedURLCode(value: String)
case class AnonymizedSafeHTMLCode(value: String)
case class AnonymizedSafeJSCode(value: String)
case class AnonymizedSafeURLCode(value: String)
- This is obviously getting out of hand...
- Even the names of these types are code smell, and that's before we wrote any code to use them
- The problem with this approach is that we're not telling the compiler anything useful
- We are trying to encode complex information in the class name
- But the compiler has no way of knowing what it means
- Since it only sees single names
- A single name is a single fact, but we are trying to cram multiple facts into them
- When we are saying something like `SensitiveTaintedHTMLCode`, we are actually saying three things at once
- As a result, you cannot ask the compiler meaningful questions like: where are all of the occurrences of safe code?
- We need a way to write more meaningful types
- So that we can share with the compiler more meaningful facts about our domain
- Let's try another approach
## Phantom Types
- For this purpose we'll use "phantom types", we'll see what this means in a moment
sealed trait Language
object Language {
trait HTML extends Language
trait JS extends Language
trait URL extends Language
- We are defining a new type `Language`
- With three subtypes, one for each language
- Notice how the `Language` trait is sealed and each language is a trait as well
- This means that `Language` can't have any values
- It can only function as a marker to communicate intent to the compiler
- And that's why we call it a phantom type - it's a type without values
sealed trait Safety
object Safety {
trait Tainted extends Safety
trait Safe extends Safety
- We can introduce another phantom type to mark the safety of code
- So we have two cases `Tainted` and `Safe`
- Again, those are purely markers for the compiler, they won't have any values
- And we can do something similar for anonymization, but I'll save the slide space
- So let's see how we can use our phantom typess
## Phantom Types
case class InputCode[L <: Language,
S <: Safety](value: String)
- We are now defining a single wrapper type around a string
- But it's parameterized with our two phantom types
- So we can now have any combination of languages and safety on the same wrapper
- But unlike what we had previously, now these are separate concepts, that the compiler knows about
- Let's see how we can put the wrapper to use
def readHTMLInput(): InputCode[HTML, Tainted]
- We are only looking at signatures now, since that's what really matters to the compiler
- You can imagine an implementation on your own
- So this is a function that reads input `HTML` code, and since it's user input, it's `Tainted`
- Crucially, the compiler knows about it and can track this fact for us
def sanitizeHTML(
input: InputCode[HTML, Tainted]): InputCode[HTML, Safe]
- Next, we have a function that can sanitize HTML
- Given a `Tainted` piece of HTML code, it produces `Safe` HTML
- In a real system, this would be the only way to construct `Safe` code
- So that the compiler can make sure that we always call this function before actually using user provided input
def interpolate(input: InputCode[HTML, Safe]): Code[HTML]
- The last ingredient that we'll need, is the ability to interpolate code into other pieces of code
- Note how this only accepts `Safe` code, so we can't use it before we sanitize our input code
- For example
## Phantom Types
val htmlString = readHTMLInput()
- If we read in some code, but forget the sanitize it
scala> interpolate(htmlString)
:19: error: type mismatch;
found : InputCode[HTML,Tainted]
required: InputCode[HTML,Safe]
- The compiler will helpfully remind us what we've forgotten
- Which was the whole point of communicating knowledge to the compiler
- As you can see, the compiler helpfully points out to us that we are using a tainted HTML string where a safe one was expected
## Phantom Types
def anonymize[S <: Safety](
input: InputCode[HTML, S]): InputCode[HTML, S]
- We can now also use the fact that the language and safety of the code are distinct concepts
- This is a function that works for any `HTML` piece of code, be it safe or not
- So we parameterize over the `Safety` of the code, and leave it intact
- But we do require that we receive only `HTML` input
- That's something that we wouldn't be able to achieve with just simple wrappers without duplication
- Since there we mixed everything into single types, and didn't make it clear to the compiler what are the relevant concepts in our system
- And if we try to use our function in an illegal way
val jsString: InputCode[JS, Safe]
scala> anonymize(jsString)
:17: error: type mismatch;
found : InputCode[JS,Safe]
required: InputCode[HTML,?]
- The compiler will provide a helpful message telling us what we did wrong
- In this case we've mixed up the different languages that we have
- So again, by communicating various facts to the compiler, we obtain useful assistance in return
## More Types
- Algebraic data types
- Abstract types
- Higher-kinded types
- Path-dependent types
- ...
- As I mentioned in the beginning of this part
- Scala's type system is quite rich, which means that we can use types to express some very sophisticated facts to the compiler
- These are just some examples of features of the Scala type system
- Each one enabling us to express a whole new family of facts to the compiler
- Which in return will help the compiler help us keep track of our code
- Hopefully, the examples I've shown so far will give you motivation to further explore Scala's type system
class: center, middle, transition
- So, implicits
- They tend to have a bad name
- And some times, rightfully so, since it's easy to make a mess using implicits
- For example
## Bad Implicits
Don't do this...
implicit def appID(value: Int): AppID = AppID(value)
implicit def postID(value: Int): PostID = PostID(value)
implicit def feedID(value: Int): FeedID = FeedID(value)
- After all the hard work that we invested in letting the compiler know how the various IDs are special and distinguished from plain numbers
- In here we create implicit conversions that converts plain numbers into IDs
- And so
val appID = 123
val feedID = 456
val postID = 789
fetchPost(appID, feedID, postID)
- The bug that we had before, that was being caught by the compiler goes right through
- We've managed to confuse the compiler, so that it no longer distinguishes numbers from IDs
- So that's an example of what you shouldn't be doing with implicits
- But what we want to talk about in this part is how we can leverage implicits to communicate with the compiler
## Good Implicits
- Pieces of knowledge the compiler can operate on
- A connection between types and values
- When we don't abuse them, implicits are yet another piece of knowledge that we can give to the compiler
- Unlike types, it's not just facts to keep track of, this knowledge is something that the compiler can operate on, and derive new knowledge from it
- Additionally, as we'll see shortly, implicits can connect types to concrete values
- So that the compiler can derive new values, at compile time on our behalf
- Let's see some examples
## Good Implicits
implicit val stringWriter: Writer[String] = ???
- A single implicit value, is a fact
- We are saying to the compiler there is one `Writer` for `String`s and this is it
- If ever you request a value of type `Writer` of `String`, the compiler will know how to provide it
implicit def listWriter[A](
implicit aWriter: Writer[A]): Writer[List[A]] = ???
- Next we have rules
- This can be read as follows: suppose you already know how to write an `A` value
- Here's the way you write a `List` of `A`
- Since we've marked this function as implicit, the compiler will know to invoke it whenever we ask it to write a list of anything
- So the compiler can use this rule to derive new facts automatically
Derivation requests
def write[A](value: A)
(implicit writer: Writer[A]): Json = ???
- The last component in our communication plan is to ask something from the compiler
- This can be read as:
- Whenever I want to write some value of type `A`, please derive the writer for me
- And when we choose a specific `A`, say `List[String]`
- The compiler will look at all the relevant facts and rules and try to derive it for us
- Like here
Automatic derivation
write(List("a", "b", "c")) // ["a", "b", "c"]
- Here we've selected the type to be a `List` of `String`
- And we are asking the compiler to derive the appropriate writer for it
- Which it does since it knows how to write `String`s
- Hence it can use the rule to write `List`s of `String`s
- And we get the correct result
## What's in a Name?
- Now, I claim that part of the trouble that people have with implicits comes from their name
- People are afraid of things happening implicitly, without our control, somewhere in the backgroud
- To fix this, I propose to rename them
compile-time-fact: Writer[String]
compile-time-rule: Writer[A] => Writer[List[A]]
Derivation requests
def write[A](value: A)
(compiler-provided: Writer[A]): Json
- So in my made-up language, that allows dashes in keywords, we no longer have the `implicit` keyword
- Instead we have compile-time facts, facts that we tell the compiler, upon which it can operate
- Operating on facts happens with compile-time rules
- In this case a rule that fires given a `Writer` of type `A` to produce a `Writer` for a `List` of `A`
- And lastly, we have derivation requests for compiler-provided facts
- I think that without the word implicit it becomes more apparent that what we are doing here is actually communicating with the compiler
- We are telling it facts and rules, and in return, guided by the types, it can derive values for us
- But all of this a bit abstract, let's see how it works with actual code
## Show Me the Code
implicit val stringWriter: Writer[String] =
new Writer[String] {
def write(value: String) = JsString(value)
- This is an implementation of a JSON writer for strings
- We just simply wrap the `String` value in a JSON constructor
- Notice how we are tying a type `Writer[String]` to a specific value, the implementation of the `Writer`
- Whenever we ask the compiler for this type, it will know to provide us with this value
implicit def listWriter[A](
implicit aWriter: Writer[A]): Writer[List[A]] =
new Writer[List[A]] {
def write(values: List[A]) = JsArray {
values.map(aValue => aWriter.write(aValue))
- Now we are encoding the rule of how to write `List`s of things
- So given a writer for `A`, we create a JSON array, and write the contents of the list to it
- This rule will be used whenever we ask for a writer for a list of things
- We just need to specify the type, and the compiler will try to derive the right value for us
implicit def optionWriter[A](
implicit aWriter: Writer[A]): Writer[Option[A]] =
new Writer[Option[A]] {
def write(value: Option[A]): Json =
- Similarly, we can have a rule to generate writers for optional values
- Given that we know how to write an `A`, we can also write an `Option` of `A`
- In this case, either writing the value directly, or writing a null
- Having told the compiler about all of these facts and rules
- We now ask it to do some work for us
## Show Me the Code
val pills: List[Option[String]] =
List(Some("blue"), None, Some("red"))
write(pills) // ["blue", null, "red"]
- In this case, we are asking the compiler to derive a `Writer` for a list of optional values
- And it will happily do it for us
- We taught it all that needs to be known for this derivation
- So it can apply the different rules without any help from us
- But what's happening behind the scenes is this
val derived: Writer[List[Option[String]]] =
- Guided by the type, the compiler managed to generate a value for the `Writer`
- In this case by invoking two functions and a value
- Notice that this is code that we didn't have to write
- We gave the compiler the relevant information, and it did what's necessary with it
- But suppose we miss something
## Show Me the Code
val pills: List[Try[String]] =
List(Try("blue"), Try("red"))
- We didn't tell the compiler how to write `Try`s of things
- And accordingly
:20: error: could not find implicit value
for parameter writer: Writer[List[scala.util.Try[String]]]
- It tried to figure out on its own, but without the relevant rule, it got stuck
- So it's telling us that it wasn't able to derive a `Writer` for a `List` of `Try` of `String`
Derivation attempt
val derived: Writer[List[Try[String]]] =
- It found the rule `List`, but it had nothing to give it
- Since there isn't a rule for `Try`s
- The compiler doesn't know what we didn't tell it, which makes sense
- This serves to highlight how important it is to have good communication
- We can step up a notch
## Derivation Galore
implicit def tupleWriter[A, B](
implicit aWriter: Writer[A],
bWriter: Writer[B]): Writer[(A, B)]
implicit def eitherWriter[A, B](
implicit aWriter: Writer[A],
bWriter: Writer[B]): Writer[Either[A, B]]
- We are now specifying slightly more complicated rules
- In this case, given two different `Writer`s we are deriving a `Writer` for tuples and `Either`s
- And as a result we can do something like this
## Derivation Galore
val pills: List[Option[
(Either[Option[(String, Option[String])], String])]] =
Some(Left(Some(("blue", None)))),
- The type here is so long it doesn't fit on a line, so don't do this in real code
- But it illustrates a point
- Deriving a writer manually for this type will be very tedious
- But since we communicated with the compiler so nicely
- It will be happy to do this for us
write(pills) // [["blue", null], null, "red"]
- So this code compiles
- While in the background, the compiler did something like this for us
- All of this derived code comes from the benefits of sharing our thoughts with the compiler
- Of course, you'll probably won't have such a type in your code
- But deeply nested types do sometimes happen, and the compiler has your back anyways
## Implicit Techniques
- Typeclasses
- Type-driven dependency injection
- Shapeless
- So, this should have illustrated how we can use implicits as means of communication with the compiler
- There are various patterns of using implicits to achieve this goal
- What we did here is an instance of the typeclass pattern
- We can also leverage implicits to do dependency-injection that is driven by types
- And finally, the library Shapeless uses implicits to implement all sorts of sophisticated compile-time knowledge
class: middle, transition
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use meta-programming".
Now their problem has a problem.
.footnote[― Old programming wisdom, slightly paraphrased]
- For our last part, we are going to look at macros
- Which are quite notorious for being hard to write and maintain
- But still, they have their uses, and we'll see some now
## What are Macros?
- Compile-time functions: AST => AST
- Can run arbitrary functions at compile-time
- Still experimental
- Exactly as dangerous as it sound
- So a macro is essentially a function that runs at compile-time
- That operates on abstract syntax trees
- That is, it works on code, transforming one piece of code into another
- Additionally, we can run arbitrary functions during the evaluation of a macro
- And it's not unheard of to talk to a database at compile-time
- With all that, they are still experimental in the Scala language
- And they are exactly as dangerous as all of this sounds
- Not unlike something like this:
## What are Macros?
- Where the compiler is like this truck, that we are trying to fix in midair
- So you can, rightly, ask yourself: when do we actually want to use macros?
## When to Use Macros?
- As a last resort
- When standard means of communication fail
- To implement missing language features
- To cut down boilerplate
- The answer is: as a last resort
- When we want to express some idea to the compiler that cannot be expressed by the standard means of types and implicits
- This can be to implement some missing language feature
- Or to try to avoid some boilerplate that otherwise would tedious or error-prone to write
- In a sense, macros are the ultimate means of communication
- We make our intent clear directly inside the brain of the machine
- Let's start with a simple example
## Regular Expressions
val PillType = ".*([Bb]lue|[Rr]ed).*".r
val sentence = "You take the blue pill — the story ends"
val color = sentence match {
case PillType(color) => color
} // blue
- Scala has some very nice support for regular expressions
- We can easily define and pattern match on a regular expression
- But if we make some syntax mistake
scala> val PillType = ".*([Bb]lue|[Rr]ed.*".r
- Notice that we've forgotten to close the parenthesis
Unclosed group near index 19
at java.util.regex.Pattern.error(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern.accept(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern.group0(Unknown Source)
- The result is going to be a run-time exception
- Which is a bit of a shame
- Since checking the string literal that we've written here is quite simple
- And it's too bad that we can't catch this mistake before actually running it
- So that's what we are going to do, we are going to check regex literals at compile-time
- And since doing this with types or implicits is not possible
- We'll do this as a macro
## Compile-time Regular Expressions
- What we want is to run the regular expression factory at compile-time, inside the macro
- So we start with some macro boilerplate
def regex(literal: String): Regex = macro regexImpl
- This just declares a function that takes a `String` and produces a `Regex`
- We use the `macro` keyword to indicate that the implementation of this function is going to be a macro
- And the macro implementation resides in the `regexImpl` function
- Which we can start writing
## Compile-time Regular Expressions
def regexImpl(c: Context)
(literal: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Regex] = {
import c.universe._
- This is the macro signature
- It takes a context, which is provided by the compiler and gives us access to the macro infra-structure
- And it takes an expression that matches the `String` argument we are about to receive
- Essentially, this is the code representing the argument that was passed to the macro
- And our result is another piece of code, the code that we are going to produce in the macro
- This import is yet some more boilerplate
- But we are not going to go into the details of macro writing here
- Since that will take us too deep
val stringLiteral = literal.tree match {
case q"${s: String}" => s
case _ => abort {
"Only string literals can be parsed as regex"
- Next we analyze the bit of code that we recieved
- The pattern match here matches only if the given piece of code is a `String` literal
- Otherwise we abort, and compilation will halt
- The `q` here stands for "quasiquotes" which is a general mechanism that lets us pattern match on code trees as well as write them
- With the literal in hand, we can try to convert it into a regex
util.Try(stringLiteral.r) match {
case Success(_) => ()
case Failure(t) => abort {
s"Failed compiling a regex: ${t.getMessage}"
- So we do just that with the `.r` method
- Note that this is happening at compile-time
- So instead of letting it fail, we wrap it in a `Try`
- If everything is successful we just move on
- Otherwise, we halt compilation with an error message
- And for the last step
- We are creating the code to be returned by the macro
- So we are just converting our string literal into a regex
- Since we passed our check above, we know that this is safe
- And this is it, the macro is ready to use
## Compile-time Regular Expressions
val PillType = regex(".*([Bb]lue|[Rr]ed).*")
val sentence =
"You take the red pill — you stay in Wonderland"
val color = sentence match {
case PillType(color) => color
} // red
- For a valid expression, everything works as before
scala> val PillType = regex(".*([Bb]lue|[Rr]ed.*")
:14: error: Failed compiling a regex:
Unclosed group near index 19
val PillType = regex(".*([Bb]lue|[Rr]ed.*")
- But for an invalid expression we get a compilation error
- We've managed to teach the compiler something new
- And now it can apply its new skills to our code
- Now we'll move on to a more complicated example
## Case Class Writer
- In the previous part, we've written `Writer`s for various simple and standard types
- But what if we want something more complicated?
case class Terminator(name: String,
ammo: Option[Int],
dangerous: Boolean)
- Suppose we want to write this case-class as JSON
- We'll have to produce a `Writer` for it
object Terminator {
implicit val writer = new Writer[Terminator] {
def write(terminator: Terminator): Json =
JsObject {
"name" -> Json.write(terminator.name),
"ammo" -> Json.write(terminator.ammo),
"dangerous" -> Json.write(terminator.dangerous)
- This code is fairly straightforward, we just go over each field write its name and then its value
- And we wrap the whole result in a JSON object
- It's also quite mechanical to write
- But having written it, we have to maintain it, and nothing will keep it in sync for us
- And it's easy to make mistakes here
- This is a classic case of boilerplate, something that we would like to avoid
- But in standard Scala, there's nothing that lets us manipulate case classes mechanically like this
- So let's teach the compiler to do it for us
## The Writer Macro
def makeWriterImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag]
(c: Context): c.Expr[Writer[A]] = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeOf[A]
- We start with the macro incantation
- Here we are saying that given a type `A` we would like to produce code for a `Writer` of `A`
- The `tpe` value is what will let us access data about `A` at compile-time
val fields: List[TermName] = getFields(tpe)
- And we start with that, the `getFields` function take a type-descriptor and produces a list of its fields
- I'll skip its implementation, since it's a bit hairy,
- But conceptually it's exactly that, look at the type's constructor and put all of its fields in a list
val fieldWriters: List[Tree] = fields.map { field =>
q"${field.toString} -> Json.write(value.$field)"
- Next, we start writing some code and we use quasiquotes for this purpose
- So for each field
- We create a piece of code that tuples:
- The field name as a string with a
- An access to this field and a `Json.write` over it
c.Expr[Writer[A]] {
new Writer[$tpe] {
def write(value: $tpe): Json =
- Now we write the code for the writer
- We just create a new `Writer` of the correct type
- We then implement its `write` method by interpolating the field writers into it
- The double dot syntax splices the list we created as an argument list to our constructor here
- And that's it, we've written all the code that we require for a `Writer`
## The Writer Macro
object Terminator {
implicit val writer: Writer[Terminator] =
- Now, when we invoke the macro, the compiler will generate all of the boilerplate for us
- This is equivalent to the code that I've written manually previously
- And we can use it as you might expect
val t800 = Terminator(
name = "T800",
ammo = Some(42),
dangerous = true)
// {"name": "T800", "ammo": 42, "dangerous": true}
- So yet again, we've managed to teach the compiler something new
- Mission accomplished
## Macro Alternatives
- Shapeless
- Scalameta
- Code generators
- Non-experimental macros (in the future, maybe)
- As I said, macros are to be avoided
- In part because they are dangerous and in part because they are hard to use and get right
- So here are some alternatives
- The library Shapeless uses macros under the hood, so that you don't have to
- Some macros can be rewritten using some generic methods that are provided by Shapeless
- Scalameta is a newer way of doing meta-programming
- It should be cleaner and easier to use, but it doesn't replace all macro use-cases
- Sometimes, when macros are not enough, we can use code-generators, though typicaly that's more cumbersome
- And finally, non-experimental macros for Scala are being actively developed
- So maybe in the future we'll have a nicer alternative to what I've shown here
## Summary
- The compiler is not the enemy
- Stop struggling, start communicating
- Types
- Implicits
- Macros
- See what the compiler can do for you
Full code and presentation:
- To sum up
- The compiler is not your enemy, the more you communicate with it, the more helpful it can be
- We've seen three methods of communication
- Types which let us state facts for the compiler to track for us
- Implicits, that allow us to teach the compiler various rules which it can use to derive values for us
- And macros, as a last resort, with which we can teach the compiler completely new things
- With all these tools in hand, we can share our thoughts with the compiler
- And in return the compiler can help us with our code
- You can find the full code and presentation at this link
class: middle, transition, endSlide
.quote[> ― I talked to the computer at great length
and explained my view of the Universe to it
― And what happened?
― It committed suicide
.endQuote.footnote[― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]